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Pop the Diamond Lock :"POP UP" 1.5
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Pop the Diamond is very addictive and best time killer game.Gameplay :* You are a thief you need to steal the diamonds.* As the level increases you need to steal more smaller diamonds toget the blue diamond.* Remember as level goes higher, stealing diamonds is not as easyas you think; you need to be as swift as a thief.* Challenge your friends and pop the diamond from the lock andstart collecting.The game is easy to learn –* simply tap when the red bar reaches a small white diamond in thering lock.* Every successful tap brings down the number in the center byone.* Bring it down to zero and you win! Sounds easy, right?It is the most exciting pop lock game you have ever played.This game helps you improve your mental state and also improvesyour reflexes while popping the lock of the diamond.To give your best in popping the lock of the diamond you need tohave a good eye hand co-ordination.Tips And Strategy (to score higher and be the best)1. Concentrate!Pop the diamond lock is a game of reflexes.You need to keep youreyes on the diamond lock at all times and focus.2. Keep your finger out of the way!Tap wherever you like; just be sure to keep your finger out ofthe way so you can actually see where the lock is going to stop onthe diamond.3. Be ready for anything!Once you hit one lock , the diamond will immediately go inreverse. The next lock coming up can either be really close or veryfar away – you’ll never know, so you need to be ready foranything!4. Focus on the whole ring!It’s better to keep your eyes on the entire ring and not focuson the red bar. By doing this you’ll be able to theoretically seethe locks coming faster, giving you more time to react.5. Keep trying!You might get thrown off because of an unlucky lock that came upsuper fast, but do not despair! The locks are never in fixed placesso every time you restart a level you’ll get different placementpatterns. Don’t give up!6. Patience!If you’re stuck on one particular level, take a break and stepaway from the game. Come back to it once you’ve gained your reflexback. Remember: timing and reaction time is important, but patienceis equally important. If you get frustrated you’re going to be moreprone to making mistakes, so relax once in a while!So start popping the diamond lock make and see how much diamondlocks you can pop.Challenge your friends and family to pop your highestscore.How far have you poppers gotten? Let us know in the reviews below.Also if you have any other suggestions to improve the game tell usabout them too!
Profile Tracker for WhatsApp 1.25
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Ever wondered if it is possible to hackWhatsApp conversations? Well, the answer is no! The data is wellprotected behind firewalls, and the company has kept their serverspretty safe! But with our app, using statistical probabilityanalysis in our algorithm, we churn out numbers, trying to giveresults to answer your queries!This is one of the best simulation of tracker for WhatsApp andtracks profile visitors, blockers, stalkers, time spent etc. We areconstantly trying to improve our algorithm so that we can delivergood simulated results. Since it is still evolving so the resultsare not 100% correct.Key Features are:1) Who viewed my Profile: This is our premium simulationfeature, we try to analyze the data for the last 30 days, so thatyou can have a quick check on who viewed you. For the last day wetry to show data in approximated hours and then afterwards we showthem day wise.2) WhatsApp Spy – On the basis of the score generated bycalculating the frequency of visits, analyzing interval betweenviews etc. we generate a simulated list of your profile stalkers.Right now we give only 5 names. But we are trying to increase thenumber further.3) Who blocked me - This is a tricky one and we have limiteddata on this as of now! Based on when your account was last seen bysomeone, when you had your last conversation etc., our algorithmcrunches numbers and gives out a simulated result from which youcan take a guess at maybe who blocked you.4) Chances of Stalking - And the awesomeness, sadly ends here! Ouralgorithm gives names with chances (probability values rangingbetween 0 to 100) here, for you to make a choice: you can judgeyourself by looking at the values if he/she is your profile stalkeror not.Please note that, the application will not show you the fulllist of profile visitors, stalkers etc. , you need to make an InApp Purchase if you want to see the full list. Also we do not shareany personal information (including contacts information, call logsetc.) with any third party, it is just used in our probabilisticalgorithm.Disclaimer: This app and its makers are not sponsored orendorsed by, or affiliated with, WhatsApp.This is a light hearted Simulation and is intended forentertainment purposes only.
Video rotate, flip and save 1
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VIDEO ROTATE, FLIP AND SAVEWith this application you can rotate any video in all angles90deg, 180deg, 270deg and 360deg both clockwise andcounterclockwise. In this Rotate video editor you can also flip anyvideo horizontally or vertically. This is a very fast video rotatetool. Its a completely free video flip and rotate software.Working :You can select any option for video rotate and set the valuewith provided options, then just click on start to begin theprocessing.
Who Blocked Me for WhatsApp 1.3
Get Apps Made
It is impossible to get into the databases ofWhatsApp conversations as they are well protected by the companybehind strong firewalls. But with our app, using statisticalprobability analysis we churn some data to extract sensibleinformation from it, thus giving results that answer your queries!For now, our method is not 100% accurate but with time it willevolve by learning from the data and hence will improve for givingbetter results in future. So please be patient and be with us, asresults should improve with time.Do you have a suspicion that someone or even your friend isblocking you on WhatsApp? Here is an app to test if someone isactually avoiding you or not.Features are:1) WhatsApp Spy Detector: With our fast and rigorous algorithm, wetry to deduce profile visitors for a month along with their time ofvisit. Thus on the basis of the score generated by calculating thefrequency, analyzing interval between views etc. we generate a listof contacts who may be spying on your profile.2) Block Checker: Here we will try to remove your doubts bygiving the list of all the users who might have blocked you byusing some basic probability algorithms, which calculate score onthe basis of last seen dp, infrequent views etc.3) Last seen Checker: This list shows who has last seen yourprofile status or profile picture. We try to show the data for upto 30 days. For the last day we try to show data in approximatedhours and then afterwards we show it day wise.4) Chances of Stalking – This is the soul of our algorithm! Wegive names with chances (probability values on a scale of 100)here, for you to make a choice: you can yourself take a look at thevalues to deduce who is watching you on WhatsApp.Disclaimer: This app and its makers are not sponsored orendorsed by, or affiliated with WhatsApp Inc.This is a light hearted app and is intended for entertainmentpurposes only. Also We respect user’s privacy and do not share anyuser information with any third party.